Audric escapes with one half, the other goes with his son, Jayce.Jayce and the other members of the Lightning League set out to locate Audric, unite the two halves of the root and defeat the Monster Minds. Audric creates a magic root which can stop them but the two halves of the root are separated during a Monster Minds attack. With Saw Boss as leader, they set out to conquer the galaxy. Digital Download Jayces Arcane Hammer 1:1 Scale Dual Mode Function. Wheeled Warriors explode into battle - Lightning Strikes!"Audric is a scientist working to create a plant which can grow in any environment when a radiation flare causes the plants to mutate into Saw Boss and the Monster Minds.The Monster Minds can transform into vehicles and travel via roots between planets. Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors Logo Cartoon Sci-Fi TV Animation Unofficial. Listen to Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors Theme (Vocal Version) on Spotify.

Wheeled Warriors explode into battle - Lightning Strikes!"Audric is a scientist working to create a plant which can grow in any "Thundering across the stars to save the universe from the Monster Minds, Jayce searches for his father to unite the magic root and lead his Lightning League to victory over the changing form of Saw Boss. Summary: "Thundering across the stars to save the universe from the Monster Minds, Jayce searches for his father to unite the magic root and lead his Lightning League to victory over the changing form of Saw Boss.